This is to express my gratitude for the excellent care I have received at Azman Eye Care, with Dr Irwin Azman, and to let you know what an impact it has had on my life. I have used eyeglasses for nearly thirty years and contact lenses for over twenty years. Prior to my treatment at Azman Eye Care, I experienced frequent severe sinus headaches and dizziness. Since having the “plugs” inserted in my tear ducts and following your regime for using and cleaning my contact lenses, the headaches have significantly decreased in severity and frequency. Prior to my treatment at Azman Eye Center, whenever I purchased new contact lenses and eyeglasses, I found that within a month of wearing them, they no longer seemed to correct my vision as well and I was always straining to see clearly. In addition, I was never able to see as clearly with eyeglasses as I was with contact lenses. Now, approximately one and one-half years since first wearing my current contact lens prescription, my vision is just as clear as it was when I began wearing the new lenses! Furthermore, I can see just as well with the eyeglasses I received from Azman Eye Center as I do with the contact lenses. For the first time in my life, I feel confident with my vision when wearing eyeglasses and am able to give my eyes “rest” from wearing the contact lenses each week. When my family doctor referred me to Dr Irwin Azman, I did not realize the possibilities for such improved vision and health, having sought help with my vision from numerous eye care professionals during my life. The high level of care and professional and responsive staff at Azman Eye Center are greatly appreciated.