Precision Accelerated Orthokeratology- No Glasses. No LASIK.

I had originally planned on having the Lasik procedure done, but found out I wasn’t a good candidate. I never heard of Precision Accelerated Orthokeratology when I came in to Dr. Azman’s office. I was planning on getting my prescription renewed for glasses and contacts, until Dr. Azman informed me about his non-surgical procedure. WOW! What a blessing! Definitely a better alternative to surgery. It’s great not having to worry about things blowing in to my eyes, and having to take the contacts out to get the debris out, or having to be extra careful when rubbing my eyes. I could go on and on about what I no longer have to worry about, but the biggest plus for me is being able to go to the pool and beach, and not worry about keeping my eyes closed under water. I recommend Precision Accelerated Orthokeratology to anyone who wants the freedom. I can’t believe one day I was wearing contacts, and the following morning didn’t have to wear any! Thanks to Dr. Azman!

Robert S.
Baltimore, Maryland