Dear Dr. Azman:
I have to admit, I never actually realized that I was color blind until I was an adult and failed the Ishihara color vision test during a work physical. I had always presumed everyone saw colors just as I did. After some research on the subject, I stumbled across your work and decided it was worth a shot to see if you might be able to help me. Shortly after obtaining an appointment, I made the trek across the country to your clinic.
You and your staff were so wonderfully professional, personable, and thorough during my examination and testing. I was extremely appreciative of how well you explained everything to me and answered all of my questions. The greatest moment, though, was when you provided me with the corrective lenses; my world changed. It was nothing short of astonishing. The best analogy I can describe, is like watching a color television with the contrast turned down low where color is simply different shades, dull and lifeless. then having the contrast turned up and suddenly the colors are vibrant and alive.
It’s now been about three months since I received my prescription lenses. I passed my most recent work physical Ishihara color vision test with ease. 100%! It’s been incredible to experience seeing the world of color and I am amazed at how much more beautiful the simplest of things truly are; flowers, the sunset, and, as an avid hunter, even camouflage is more colorful than I ever knew. I cannot wait to follow a blood trail with ease like my hunting partners can.
Thank you, for providing me the opportunity to see the effervescent world of color as I had never known. Your progressive work in this field is nothing short of amazing and I appreciate your accomplishments.
-Josh Z. Oregon