The Importance of Annual Eye Exams

I want to share with all of you the following patient encounter I had this week, which underscores the importance of annual eye exams. Eye exams are not only a means to obtain glasses or contact lenses. They are also not only for those who wear glasses and contacts, but rather everyone should have their eye health evaluated every 1-2 years. Some more often.

The most important element of an eye exam is something called ophthalmoscopy, which is an intricate skill using a microscope, high powered lenses, and light to view the inner layer of the eye called the retina. The retina is a paper-thin layer of cells that’s responsible for processing vision. Damage to the retina can occur from disease or trauma, and often spontaneously. Luckily, early detection with ophthalmoscopy during a routine eye exam can allow a doctor to detect early signs of an impending problem, which can then be treated…..Read More